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If you are wondering what is test tube baby and IVF, whether both the terms are related, let us try to understand them in detail. Test tube baby is a term that refers to a child that is conceived outside the women’s body by a scientific process known as In-Vitro fertilization or IVF treatment. This entire process is done in a laboratory. In this process the eggs are taken from the mother’s ovary and fertilised by the sperms from the father.
The fertilised egg is cultured for 2–6 days and allowed to divided 2-4 times inside a test tube (hence the name test tube baby) These eggs are then returned back to the mother’s uterus where it can be developed normally, this is done with the intention to establish a successful pregnancy.
Test tube baby procedure has greatly helped women having infertility problems that are untreatable to give birth to healthy babies.
When is IVF required?

Problem with sperm:
When male partner sperm is not in adequate quantity then IVF is required with ICSI, and IVF procedure is helpful to them, who need their sperm to be penetrated in the egg for fertilization
Problem with ovulation:
For releasing the healthy eggs IVF is required, when ovary is not working properly
Problems with Fallopian tube:
Through uterus, egg travels in the fallopian tube, in some cases if the fallopian tubes gets blocked due to any disease, then the only option left with the couple is IVF
Uterine problems:
ART can be used to overcome uterine problems, and problems related to conceiving
Cervix problem:
Sexual intercourse can be affected if the cervix response abnormally. In this case IUI (Intra-uterine Insemination) or IVF is required for a mother to get pregnant
Death of partner
IVF treatment is very helpful in the case if the partner is not alive, and the couple has stored its sperm or egg before
Genetic Testing:
Suppose a partner is suffering from certain disease, and if they have fear that the disease can be passed to the new born baby, then IVF technique is needed
Surrogacy :
Surrogacy means, if the female partner is unable to conceive a child, then the baby is carried in the womb of another lady. IVF is useful so that sperm or egg produced by another partner can be transferred to surrogate uterus
Egg freezing:
In case of egg freezing egg stimulation and egg retrieval is needed. Frozen eggs are kept at cool place and is transferred to embryo after couple’s decision for pregnancy
Same sex :
IVF is used for people with same sex also. Whether it is lesbian, gay couples. It is possible only if sperm of third person of opposite sex is taken.
Single parent :
People those who don’t want to get married; still want a baby, being single parent IVF can be useful to them, by donating the egg or sperm.